Maui Environmental Consulting, LLC
Kēōkea Riparian Rehabilitation
A total of 7.4 acres of the riparian corridor along Kēōkea Gulch have been protected. The project area was fenced off with feral ungulate fencing, and 3,000 native plants were planted to lock in soils and provide habitat for native flora and fauna. As an added benefit, R-1 wastewater is being used as irrigation.

About the Project:
Feral ungulate fencing was installed along the perimeter.
Fencing is vital in protecting the riparian corridor from invasive animals that denude the landscape of vegetation.

3,000 Native plants have been planted.
Vegetation locks in the soils to prevent erosion, reducing sediment loads by 9.7 tons, nitrogen loads by 75.5 pounds, and phosphate loads by 15.3 pounds annually!

Plants receive one gallon of R-1 water daily.
21,000 gallons of R-1 water is removed from underground injection wells each week.

The project allows for community involvement and education.
More than 50 participants from 10 organizations have visited the site to help put native plants in the ground and to learn about the project.

A native, dryland forest is emerging from what was once a denuded landscape.
Native plant species were chosen based on their ability to thrive in the hot, dry climate of the area.

Success of this project can pave the way for more riparian rehabilitation projects!
Expansion of riparian protection and rehabilitation will continue to improve water quality throughout Maui.

Myoporium sandwicense

Vitex roundifolia

Erythrina sandwicensis

Achyranthes splendens var. splendens

Canavalia hawaiiensis

Gossypium tomentosum

Dodonea viscosa

Sida fallax
Native Plants
The Keokea Gulch Riparian Corridor Rehabilitation Project is conducted through partnerships between the Maui County Office of Innovation and Sustainability, the Hawaii Department of Health Clean Water Branch, the Central Maui Soil and Water Conservation District, Haleakala Ranch, and Maui Environmental Consulting, LLC